Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Should Texas go green to make green?

Reading through a fellow classmate's blog I came across a post in regards to texas marijuana policy. An interesting point was made about the taxation and sale of marijuana legally. I firmly agree with the viewpoint that legalization with careful legislation and taxation would go greatly towards improving a few key issues facing our state. Border security and the struggle against drug and human trafficking through our southern border would be lifted of the burden that marijuana control and containment place on the shoulders of our border security officers allowing them to place a more strategic focus on other dangers faced by our Big River border. Let's begin to talk about the other kind of green, cash money. An online article by The Week featured data from harvard economist Jeffery Miron who goes on to say that an estimated $45 billion in taxable sales are slipping through our fingers. Have you ever heard of anyone dying from marijuana use? of course not. so all you smart politicians who run this great state of ours, if you want to get rich, while also boosting the amount of funding our state has, plus make everyone super mellow, then I suggest you start paying attention to a few other states nearby.

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